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Francene Levinson - Artist/Sculptor

Bainbridge Island, WA 98110




Born 1944

Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A.



International Solo Art Exhibition,Venue:Facebook/Indian Art Group,"Existential Moments"

CVG Gallery, Bremerton, WA

Blue Line Arts Gallery, Rosedale, CA, “Crocker-Kingsley Biennial 2023”


South Hampton Art Center, NY. “Techspressionism, Digital and Beyond”

O'hanlon Art Center, Mill Valley, CA, “Strictly Abstract”


Cultural Arts Center of Cape Cod, South Yarmouth, MA - Curated Digital Art Gallery, Germany, EU

California Museum of Art, Thousand Oaks, California, “Defining Beauty”

Las Laguna Gallery, Laguna Beach, CA


California Museum of Art, Thousand Oaks, California, “Defining Beauty”

Portland Art Museum, RSG Gallery, Fall Show, Portland, Oregon

2019 Portland Art Museum, RSG Gallery, Portland, Oregon, Representation

Verum Ultimum Art Gallery, Portland, Oregon


Gallery 114, Portland, Oregon June 7,

Rental Sales Gallery, Portland Museum of Art, June 15,


Gallery 114, Portland, Oregon Dec. 5,

Gallery 114, Portland, Oregon June 1 - June 30

Geezer Gallery, Portland, Oregon March - April 


Hillsboro Library Gallery, Hillsboro Oregon

Verum Ultimum Art Gallery, Portland Oregon


SCOPE Art Fair, Miami Beach, FL SEE.Me group digital exhibit. Dec. 3-8, 2013

Delray Beach Center for the Arts and Women in the Visual Arts, Artistic Memories 2,Crest Theater Gallery,Nov. 2013

SEE.ME | Exhibition Space, 26-19 Jackson Ave.,Long Island City, NY 11101 Thursday, July 25th 7 pm through 11 pm. through September 10th.

Jaffe Center for Book Arts, F.A.U., Boca Raton,FL. 2013, "Healing Power of Art", Juried Competition, Featured Artist, 2013 "Phoenix" Paper Sculpture, sculpture collection, Juror: Rebecca Wilson, Director, Saatchi Gallery, London,UK


Paseo Originals Gallery, Two Person Show, Dec. 2012, Oklahoma City,OK( Represented artist)

Fuller Craft Museum. Brockton,MA., Members Show 2012

City Gallery, Grand Rapids, MI., "Art Prize 2012"

Rossetti Fine Art Gallery, Pompano Beach, FL, 2012 Summer Heat, No.3 Anniversary Art Show

B J Spoke Gallery, Huntington, N.Y., "Paper Works," Juror:Laura Phipps, Assistant Curator at the Whitney Museum of American Art

Second Ave. Gallery, Florida Atlantic University,"Fresh Design: Fiber Art in the New Millennium."

Nathan Rosen Gallery and Museum, Boca Raton, FL, 2012 Juried Biennial Exhibition, Juror: Michael Bolge, Director of Boca Raton Museum of Art, Ret.

Rossetti Fine Art, "Flora and Fauna," Juror: Michael Mills, Art Critic, New Times Broward/Palm Beach,FL

Highland Beach Library Gallery, Highland Beach, FL, ""Artistic Adventures," Women in the Visual Arts.

Armory Art Center,"Artistic Visions," Women in the Visual Arts.

Scripps Research Institute, Jupiter, FL, Juried Exhibit, Nexus: Science + Art, 1 yr 


Boca Raton Museum of Art, Boca Raton, FL, 2011 60th All Florida Juried Competition,

Juror: Dr. Valerie Ann Leeds

Rossetti Gallery, Pompano Beach, FL., Juried Shows Oct and Dec.

Gallery 101, Ft. Lauderdale, FL,Juried show "Art-Lauderdale"

Gallery 110, E. Atlantic Avenue, Delray Beach, FL, "Evergreen, Spring Into Green Exhibition

Artists Guild Gallery, Delray Beach, FL, May,Oct. 2011

Scripps Research Institute, Jupiter, FL, Juried Exhibit, Nexus: Science + Art, 1 yr


Boca Raton Museum of Art, Boca Raton, FL, 2010 Biennial, First Place, Juror: Carol Damian, curator/director Frost Museum F.I.U., Miami, FL

Scripps Research Institute, Jupiter, FL, Juried Exhibit, Nexus: Science + Art, 1 yr

Artists Guild Gallery, Delray Beach, FL, 12 Juried Shows

Rosen Gallery, Boca Raton, FL, ?2010 International Biennial?

The Light House Art Center, Tequesta, FL, Contempo, Juror :Nelson Hallanquist

American Orchid Society Museum, Women in the Visual Arts, Juried Exhibit, Delray Beach, FL

Jaffe Center for Book Arts, Women in the Visual Arts, Juried Exhibit, Boca Raton, FL

Palm Beach Gardens City Hall ? Artists of Palm Beach, Juried Exhibit

The Von Liebig Art Center, Naples, FL National Art Encounter 2010, Juror: Denise Gerson, Curator/Director, Lowe Art Museum, Miami, FL

The Armory Art Center, New Art, Juror: Frederic Snitzer, Miami, FL-

Cornell Museum, Crest Theater Exhibit; Women in the Visual Arts, Delray, Florida


Scripps Research Institute, Jupiter, FL Juried Exhibit, Nexus: Science + Art, 1yr.

The Armory Art Center, West Palm Beach, FL, WITVA, Juried Exhibit, Fantasy or Reality

The Armory Art Center, West Palm Beach, FL, Visual Conceits, Juror: Bernice Steinbaum

Boca Raton Museum of Art, Artists Guild Gallery, Delray Beach, FL ,7 Juried shows

Busacca Gallery San Francisco, CA, Juried Web Gallery Exhibitor

Art Web Gallery Exhibitor/Showcase Winner Juried Web Gallery/Showcase Winner Web Gallery Exhibitor Paper Artists Exhibitor

Palm Beach County, FL Cultural Council Directory of Artists

Artavox Artists of Palm Beach County, West Palm Beach, Florida


Rosen Gallery, Boca Raton, FL, International Biennial 08


Mastermind Art Grant South Florida, Nov.2009

Honors, Awards

Art Dex International - 2nd Place 2021

Art Dex International – 4th place 2019

Award of Excellence -, 2016

Judges Recognition, Delray Center for the Arts, 3 D Sculpture, Juried Competition. Nov 2013

Featured Artist Award -, Juried competition, May 2013

Best In Show + People's Choice, Rossetti Fine Art Gallery, Pompano Beach, FL, 2012 Summer Heat, No.3 Anniversary Art Show

Best in Show Dec. 1, 2011- Delray Beach, FL- "Art on the Ave."

Art Craft Award - Nathan Rosen Gallery and Museum, Boca Raton, FL, March 2012

First Place Boca Raton Museum of Art, Boca Raton, FL?2010 Biennial?

First Place Sculpture - Boca Raton Museum of Art Artist Guild Gallery, Delray, FL April 2010

First Place Sculpture - WITVA, American Orchid Society Exhibit, Delray, FL Jan. 2010

First Place Sculpture - Boca Raton Museum of Art Artist Guild Gallery, Delray, FL Nov.2009

First Place -International Competition, "Beholding Beauty" - Artrom Gallery, Rome,Italy,Juror:Elizabeth Genovisi

Award of Excellence -2012 Spring/Summer Show, The American Juried Art Jurists, Peter Baldaia, Director of Curatorial Affairs, Huntsville Museum of Art, Huntsville, AL; Paula Tognarelli, Executive Director, Griffin Museum of Photography, Winchester, MA.

Second Place, Jaffe Center for Book Arts, FAU, WITVA ( Women in the Visual Arts)

Juror's Recognition Sculpture, Evergreen, Spring into Green, 110 Gallery, Delray, FL March


Juror's Recognition Sculpture, Artist Guild Gallery, May

Merit Award - Rossetti Gallery, Pompano Beach, FL "Equinox" Oct.

Showcase Award Sculpture June 2009, July 2009, Nov.2009, February 2011

Showcase Award Sculpture Spring 2009

Honorable Mention Sculpture- WITVA Juried Exhibit Fantasy or Reality", The Armory Art Center, West Palm Beach, FL Oct 2009

Honorable Mention - Sculpture-WITVA Juried Exhibit- "Artistic Adventures", Highland Beach Library Gallery, Highland Beach FL. 2012

People's Choice Award - Artist Guild of Boca Raton Museum of Art 2010

Third Place - Sculpture Artist Guild of Boca Raton Museum of Art -Spring Show 2009


* Southampton Art Center, “Techspressionism, Digital and Beyond”, Catalog, April 21, 2022

* Verum Ultimum Gallery, Abstract Catalyst Exhibition, Catalog, Sept. 14, 2019

* Woven Tale Press. Vol. VII #2, 2019

* Salaan Magazine, vol.2, 2019

* Verum Ultimum Gallery, Abstract Catalyst Exhibition, Catalog, Sept. 24, 2016

* "500 Paper Objects" by Lark Crafts, Sterling Publishers 2013

* AllthingsPaper.netBlog by Ann Martin article: Francene Levinson Contemporary paper Sculptures 2013

* "500 Paper Objects" by Lark Crafts,Sterling Publishers, "Caracol","Reveal", and "Urchin" 2013

Three Paper Sculptures published in "500 Paper Objects"

Posted on May 16, 2013 at 7:55 PM comments (0)

I am so honored to have three paper sculptures,"Caracol","Reveal", and "Urchin" included in 500 Paper Objects. a fine book by Lark Crafts, Sterling Publishers.

* "Art and Beyond", pg 37, "Ocean Garden" Paper Sculpture by Francene Levinson

To view virtual magazine please use this link and click on the cover of the


* "Art Takes Miami",Juried Competition, Catalog Published for presentation at Scopes, Miami, 2011

* "Visual Masters Magazine", London, England Feb. 2011

* "Best of World Wide Sculptors", Spring, Kennedy Publishing - 5251-18 JOHN TYLER HIGHWAY #311, WILLIAMSBURG, VA 23185

* Masters of Paper Art and Paper Sculptures, Part II 2011

* "Visual Overture Magazine", Artist of the Week, July 4, 2011

* American Juried Art Society(AJAS) Quarterly, July2011

Views and Reviews

Renee Phillips, Author, Arts Advocate, Art Marketing Advisor & Artists Promoter. Director of Manhattan Arts International, NYC, NY. Curator, Healing Power of Art exhibition, New York, NY · wrote: "Francene Levinson, "Phoenix", exquisite modular paper sculpture"

Renee Phillips tweeted:"@franlevinson takes Chinese modular paper folding technique Zhe Zhi to innovative current art form "

Renee Phillips, Author, Arts Advocate, Art Marketing Adviser & Artists Promoter. Director of Manhattan Arts International, NYC, NY. Curator, Healing Power of Art exhibition, New York, NY · wrote: "Francene Levinson, "Phoenix", exquisite modular paper sculpture" News

Paper Sculptures by Artist Francene Levinson transform modular 3d Origami into beautiful museum quality fine art - that is the tag-line of her website. That pretty much says it all, except for the fact that this work is world class, I can say it and mean it! The design, it's fluidity and detail - click here and get lost for a while


1966 - Brooklyn College, C.U.N.Y. Bachelor of Arts

1969 - Brooklyn College, C.U.N.Y. Master of Arts, (Fine Art + Education)

1986-89 - Montoya Art Studio, West Palm Beach, Florida, stone sculpturing

1993 - Nova University, Davie, Florida ? Ed. S (Educational Specialist, S.L.D.)

1996 - Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale, Ft. Lauderdale, FL (Computer Arts)

Work Experience

1966 -1971 - Art Teacher Public Schools N.Y.C., J.H.S.275, grades 6, 7, 8

1981 -1986 - Founder/Director - Educational Puppet Theater, Nassau Co., BOCES, N.Y. State

1986 -1989 - Lecturer/Exhibitor?History/Women in the Arts, Coral Springs M.S., FL

1989 -1992 - Substitute Art Teacher ?School Board of Broward County, FL

1993 -2003 - Art Teacher, Sch. Bd. Broward Co., FL, Margate Middle, Gr. 6, 7, 8

2009 - present Paper Sculptor, Signature Juried Member of Boca Raton Museum of Art - Artist Guild Gallery

2009 - present - Lecturer Chinese Paper Folding, "Zhe Zhi" Origins, Examples, Technique

Professional Associations

International Techspressionist Salon 2021 to present day

Portland Museum of Art - member 2017

Boca Raton Museum of Art - member

Boca Raton Museum of Art ? Artist?s Guild ? Juried Signature Member

Fuller Craft Museum. Brockton,MA., Member

WITVA ? Women in the Visual Arts ? Past Vice President of Membership, Juried Member

I.S.C. - International Sculpture Center

Artists of Palm Beach County

Palm Beach Cultural Council of the Arts - Directory

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